Are there benefits of drinking water for skin?

Are there benefits of drinking water for skin?

Do you drink a lot of water every day? Drinking water is a great way to keep yourself hydrated, your health vital in check and your skin looking beautiful. But is it the best solution to ward off all your skin problems? While there are many benefits of drinking water for your skin, it is vital to know that it alone won’t be able to help you. Having said that, let’s find out whether or not drinking water is great for your skin.

What are the benefits of drinking water for skin?

Your body is made up of 70 percent water, which is why it is an essential nutrient or ingredient for humans to function properly. Since the skin is the mirror to the internal body and mind, having a healthy body will reflect on your skin. That being said, water does not directly benefit the skin. However, water is essential for performing bodily functions and ensuring that all organs perform to their optimum capacity. But many people feel that drinking enough water will reverse their wrinkles, fine lines, or ageing, which sadly will not happen.

Also Read: 9 benefits of drinking water to boost overall health

Our skin is made up of seven layers, which include the epidermis and dermis. The lower layers are alive and need water, hydration and a balanced diet. However, The topmost layer is dead and needs to be moisturised and prevented from environmental factors like pollution. As a skincare routine, applying water on top and locking it with a moisturiser is essential.

Benefits of drinking water
Drinking water can benefit your skin. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock

How much water should one drink to get clear and glowing skin?

A person should consume at least two to three litres of water daily for optimum health. In some scenarios, water consumption should be even higher for lactating mothers who require four to five litres of water. Also, people and kids who indulge in outdoor sports need more water to stay hydrated. Similarly, people in hot and humid climates might need more water. However, the focus should also be on fluids with good electrolyte levels, like nimbu pani and coconut water, as they have optimum levels of electrolytes. This is especially important in hot climates like India. In the above cases, normal water might not be sufficient and can sometimes lead to dehydrated skin.

Hot, cold or warm water – which one is the best?

Water temperature does not matter, and it is a myth that a particular water temperature is better. However, it is best to drink water at room temperature. Cold water can lead to respiratory tract infections, and hot water can lead to mouth ulcers. Also, people should stop storing and drinking water from plastic bottles. They can use copper and earthen clay pots to hold water and transfer it to steel or glass jars. Both copper and earthen pots transfer essential minerals to water, which is why they are highly recommended.

Are there any side effects of drinking too much water for skin?

The kidney’s function is to take care of the excess water in our body. When we drink more water, the kidneys will produce more urine, thereby solving the problem of excess water in the body. In case someone drinks less water, they will show signs of dehydration. As a result of dehydration, the skin will become dry and come back slowly when pinched on the forearm or lead to chapped lips, which is a sign that a person needs to drink more water.

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benefits of drinking water for skin
Drinking more water can help you soothe dehydrated skin. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Besides normal drinking water, vegetables and seasonal fruits also contain good water levels. Adding seasonal vegetables or fruits like cucumber and watermelon to a person’s daily diet is highly recommended, as they provide our bodies with essential nutrients. As a rule, 50 per cent of a person’s diet must include 2-3 fruits and vegetables.

Can drinking water alone can clear your skin?

Our body has defence mechanisms available to them, like the gut, respiratory tract, kidney, and skin. All four of them are the excretory channels of our body, and they have their inbuilt mechanisms, which are very complex and help to clear out the toxins on their own. So, drinking water alone cannot be a one-stop single solution to clear our skin. What is more important is to have a balanced lifestyle and healthy routine, which includes a well-balanced diet and regular exercise, sleeping on time and not taking a lot of mental stress. All these things are more important than just focusing on a one-stop solution.

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