Benefits of milk cream or malai for skin inflammation and redness

Benefits of milk cream or malai for skin inflammation and redness

Using the wrong products on your skin can lead to skin inflammation and redness. Here’s how milk cream or malai to reduce skin problems such as redness.

Don’t you love it when you get freebies, especially things that you love? I do! So when I got my hands on a new face mask, I was excited to try it. I profusely lathered my face with the mask, thinking it would give me glowing skin – just as it promised. But I landed with inflammation and redness all over my face! My skin became dry, inflamed, and felt like it was burning! My mother, who always has a quick home remedy, to fix all the mishaps I bring upon myself and my skin, suggested that I try malai or milk cream to calm the inflammation and redness. So, let me also share the benefits of malai or milk cream for inflammation, with you!

Why do skincare products trigger skin inflammation and redness?

Inflammation and redness are common skin issues faced by many people. Temporary redness or irritation can be caused due to various factors such as allergies, infection, side effects of certain medication, skin sensitivity, or severe skin conditions such as rosacea, acne, dermatitis, psoriasis, shingles, and lupus. Using certain skin-care products containing harsh, chemical-based ingredients such as fragrances, and dyes, can cause redness and skin irritation, says dermatologist Dr Rinky Kapoor. Hence, it is always advised to do a patch test before using a product all the way, to avoid any unexpected skin reaction.

How to deal with skin inflammation
Using malai or milk cream may soothe skin inflammation! Image courtesy: Adobe Stock

What is the benefit of using milk cream or malai for skin inflammation?

Applying milk cream or malai on the skin is thought to be a promising solution for soothing inflammation and reducing redness. Malai is believed to be high in fats and proteins which can hydrate and nourish and calm the skin, says the expert. However, there is more research required to support the claim.

Using malai can also help to balance the pH levels of the skin, which will help you get healthy skin. It is also considered to be a great way to hydrate the skin and make it look youthful, supple, soft, and fresh. “Milk cream also contains lactic acid content that helps remove the dead skin cells and exfoliate your skin. It can be effective against various skin conditions such as Rosacea, Eczema, psoriasis, and Dermatitis. However, it is important to consult the doctor before using it,” advises the doctor.

Other benefits of milk cream for skin

Here are the benefits of milk cream for your skin you should know, as explained by Dr Kapoor:

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1. Removes dead skin cells

Malai or milk cream for skin are nostalgic hacks used for ages in Indian households. Applying fresh malai or milk cream can be highly beneficial for your skin reducing skin problems and resulting in instant glow.

2. Gets rid of dull skin

Malai can be used as a natural exfoliator to get rid of dead skin formation on your skin, providing you with flawless skin. It might get irritating and frustrating to experience persistent skin tanning due to harmful UV rays, making your skin look dull and tired.

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3. Removes tanning

Tanning is one of the most common skin problems people face. Fresh malai or milk cream is one effective solution that helps you get rid of tanning. Apply the paste of fresh malai and milk on the skin can help nourish your skin reducing tanning. People are advised to apply it once every two weeks, says Dr Kapoor.

4. Reduces signs of ageing

The vitamins and antioxidants present in malai contribute to skin rejuvenation and also help reduce signs of aging or fine lines. Malai is a hydrating solution that helps you get rid of dehydrated skin, improve skin’s elasticity, and even out your skin tone, resulting in a brighter complexion.

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Reduce the signs of ageing can help you get rid of skin inflammation. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Are there any side effects of using malai for skin inflammation?

While it is considered safe for your skin, the high-fat content in milk or malai can make your skin excessively oily and can be frustrating for individuals with oily or acne-prone skin, leading to inflammation and breakouts. It is best to consult a doctor before making any changes to your skincare routine.

Who should avoid using milk cream or malai on the skin?

Malai for skin is a good option for a lot of skin problems, but it may not be the right choice for various skin types and textures, especially those with oily and acne-prone skin. Individuals with severe allergies to milk or milk-related products should avoid using malai on their skin or it is crucial to do a patch test before using it directly on your skin. In case of any allergies or reactions, seek medical attention immediately without panicking. However, it is essential to remember that what may not work for others may not work for your skin. Also, it is best to consult experts or dermatologists to resolve all your skin-related concerns.

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