Dry peeling skin: 7 home remedies you can try

Dry peeling skin: 7 home remedies you can try

Dry skin is quite common. Sometimes, the dryness is accompanied by peeling skin that can get really uncomfortable. You might think make-up can cover up your peeling skin. But try not to pile make-up on your face, as cosmetics can dry out your skin, making the peeling worse. You also need more than just a moisturiser to get rid of peeling skin. So, go for home remedies for peeling skin.

What causes dry peeling skin?

Our skin has three layers — epidermis, dermis and hypodermis. Skin peeling happens usually on the epidermal layer also called as the thinnest layer of skin, explains Dr Urvi Panchal, a dermatologist and cosmetologist based in Gurugram. The skin usually feels dry and flaky, and sometimes it might also turn a bit red and irritable if your skin starts peeling.

Dry skin
Dry skin can crack and peel. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock

Here are some of the common causes of peeling skin:

1. Sunburn

Overexposure to the sun’s harmful UV rays can damage the skin’s outermost layer, leading to peeling, redness and discomfort. It is also the most common cause of skin peeling, the expert tells Health Shots.

2. Dry skin

Dry skin doesn’t have the necessary moisture or natural oils. So when the skin becomes excessively dry, it can crack and then peel. Harsh weather conditions, low humidity or excessive bathing with hot water and harsh soaps can worsen it.

3. Skin conditions

Dermatitis, infections such as athlete’s foot and ringworm can lead to peeling skin when they recover. These conditions require appropriate medical treatment to resolve, says Dr Panchal. Eczema, psoriasis and autoimmune disorders can also lead to peeling of skin. Identifying and managing the underlying condition is essential for addressing peeling skin in these cases.

Best home remedies for peeling skin on face

Avoiding sun exposure and using sunscreen when the skin is peeling can help to a great extent, so will moisturising your skin. You can also try these home remedies:

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1. Aloe vera

Aloe vera is anti-inflammatory and has cooling properties, so it can provide relief from itching and reduce inflammation associated with peeling skin.

2. Ice and no hot water

Rub ice on the affected area to calm the skin and reduce redness, and avoid using hot water. It would further burn and irritate the skin.

3. Olive oil

Apply a thin layer of extra virgin olive oil to the affected area. It helps to moisturise the skin and prevent further peeling of the skin.

4. Milk

Soak a clean cloth in cold milk and place it on the peeling skin for 10 to 15 minutes. The lactic acid in milk can help to gently exfoliate and hydrate the skin.

5. Oatmeal bath

Put a cup full of finely ground oatmeal to a warm bath and soak in it for 15 to 20 minutes. This can help to soothe and moisturise peeling skin.

Woman washing face
Try home remedies for peeling skin. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock

6. Tea tree oil

Mix a few drops of tea tree oil with a carrier oil such as coconut or jojoba oil, and apply it to the affected area. Tea tree oil has anti-microbial properties and can help to reduce inflammation.

7. Cucumber and yogurt mask

Blend half a cucumber with two tablespoons of plain yogurt to form a paste. Apply the mixture to the peeling skin for 15 to 20 minutes. Cucumber and yogurt can help to moisturise and cool the skin.

How to prevent skin peeling?

You can prevent your skin from peeling by following these tips:

• Use sunscreen with a high SPF before getting exposed to sun
• Wear protective clothing
• Seek shade during peak sun hours to prevent sunburn
• Drink good amount of water so that your skin and body remains well-hydrated
• Use mild and hypoallergenic skincare products, and avoid excessive scrubbing or harsh exfoliants that can irritate the skin
• Apply a suitable moisturiser regularly, especially after bathing, to lock in moisture.

It’s always a good idea to consult with a dermatologist if you have persistent or severe skin peeling.

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