How to overcome fear of change: 10 expert-backed tips

How to overcome fear of change: 10 expert-backed tips

Change is an inevitable part of our life. Yet most of us struggle to embrace it. Whether it’s a new job, a relationship shift or a significant life event, the fear of change can be paralyzing. However, with the right mindset and approach, we can overcome this fear and open ourselves to new opportunities and personal growth.

To help you bring about changes easily in life fearlessly, Health Shots got in touch with Dr Austin Fernandes, Psychiatrist, Dr LH Hiranandani Hospital, Powai, Mumbai, to understand how to overcome the fear of change.

How to overcome the fear of change?

Here are some strategies to handle fear of change.

1. Understand your fear

“Start by recognising and understanding your fear of change. Identify what specifically triggers your apprehension. Is it the uncertainty, the loss of control, or the fear of failure? Once you gain clarity about the root causes of fear of change, it becomes easier to address them,” says the expert.

fear of change
Fear of change is not healthy? Here’s how you can overcome it! Image Courtesy: Freepik

2. Challenge your thoughts

Often our fear of change is fueled by irrational thoughts or worst-case scenarios. Challenge these thoughts by questioning their validity and considering more realistic alternatives. Recognise that change is inevitable and can bring positive outcomes.

3. Educate yourself

The expert tells, “Fear of the unknown is a common aspect of fearing change. By educating yourself about the upcoming changes you can gain a better understanding of what to expect. Collect information seek professional advice, and learn from others who have successfully navigated similar transitions.”

4. Break it down

Overcoming fear can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to big life changes. Break down the change into smaller manageable steps. By tackling one step at a time, you can gradually build confidence and reduce anxiety.

Also read: Is fear healthy? Here’s when it becomes a problem

5. Build resilience

As per the expert, “Strengthening your resilience can help you face changes more effectively. Engage in activities that boost your resilience such as practising mindfulness, maintaining a positive outlook and cultivating a strong support system. Building resilience allows you to adapt and bounce back more readily.”

6. Visualize success

Imagine yourself successfully navigating through the change and achieving positive outcomes. Visualisation techniques can help reframe your mindset and reduce fear. Visualise the process as well focusing on the steps you need to take to reach your desired outcome.

fear of change and anxiety
Know ways to deal with fear and anxiety of change. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock

7. Seek support

Share your fears and concerns with trusted friends family or a therapist. Opening up to others can provide emotional support perspective and practical advice. Sometimes, knowing that you are not alone in your fears can be reassuring.

8. Celebrate small wins

“Acknowledge and celebrate your progress throughout the change process. Each small step taken towards embracing change deserves recognition. Celebrating your achievements can boost your confidence and reinforce your ability to overcome your fear,” suggests our expert.

Also read: Here’s how negative visualisation can help you cope with your fears

9. Embrace uncertainty

Change often involves stepping into the unknown which can be uncomfortable. Embrace the uncertainty as an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. Accept that not every outcome can be controlled and that it is okay to adapt and learn along the way.

10. Practise self-care

The expert says taking care of yourself physically mentally and emotionally is crucial when facing change. Engage in activities that reduce stress such as exercise, relaxation techniques, and hobbies. Nurturing yourself provides a solid foundation for facing challenges with greater resilience.


Remember, change is a natural part of life and overcoming the fear associated with it, is a process. By implementing these strategies and seeking support when needed you can gradually build the skills and mindset necessary to navigate change with confidence.

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