Prevention of hearing loss in children: Steps parents can take

Prevention of hearing loss in children: Steps parents can take

Want to protect your child’s hearing? Regulating noise levels is important. You can also try these tips to prevent hearing loss in children.

Children nowadays are fixated on gadgets. Apart from being engrossed in games and social media on smartphones, they are also drawn to excess usage of earplugs and headphones to listen to music or take calls on the go. But mind you, listening to audio on high volume can be one of the causes of hearing loss. Noise-induced hearing loss is not the only issue. Hearing problems in children can be caused by other factors, including ear infections, genetic predispositions, and infections during pregnancy. Millions of children across the globe are affected by hearing loss, which can be prevented with the right lifestyle. As a parent, you can make efforts to prevent hearing loss in children.

What are the common hearing problems in children?

Here are some of the hearing problems children are usually vulnerable to:

1. Conductive hearing loss

This is the result of damage or obstructions in the outer or middle ear that prevent sound waves from efficiently reaching the inner ear. “Ear infections (otitis media), middle ear fluid, and earwax accumulation are common reasons,” says ENT expert Dr Ravi Bhatia.

Hearing loss in children
Loud music can lead to hearing loss. Image courtesy: Freepik

2. Sensorineural hearing loss

In case of sensorineural hearing loss, the pathways of the auditory nerve or the cochlea, which is the inner ear, get damaged. It is typically irreversible and can be due to exposure to loud noises, infections contracted during pregnancy (such as cytomegalovirus or rubella), or hereditary reasons. It is the primary cause of permanent hearing loss in children, as per 2023 research published in StatPearls.

3. Mixed hearing loss

“It is a combination of sensorineural as well as conductive hearing loss. It affects the auditory nerve or inner ear,” says the expert. Even the outside or middle ear is affected.

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4. Auditory Processing Disorder (APD)

Although the ears continue to work normally, this condition is characterised by difficulties the brain has in correctly processing sound information. Speech comprehension can be difficult for children with APD, particularly in noisy settings.

How to diagnose hearing loss in children?

For early diagnosis of hearing problems in children, parents should be vigilant about the following screenings:

1. Regular hearing screening

Regular hearing screenings are crucial for early identification of hearing issues, which can impact a child’s language development, learning abilities, and social interactions. “Parents should make sure that their children go for regular hearing tests, especially when they are aged between 4 and 10,” says Dr Bhatia.

2. Newborn screening

Newborn hearing screenings are crucial for identifying potential hearing impairments. The doctor will use non-invasive methods like Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE) and Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) to measure sound waves in the inner ear. Early detection allows for early intervention, preventing delays in speech and language development, academic performance, and social interactions.

3. Follow-up screenings

Make sure to arrange for hearing tests to be performed during routine paediatric appointments. This should be especially done in the early years when language development is most rapid.

“If your child exhibits signs of hearing loss, such as delayed speech, inattentiveness, or difficulty following instructions, consult an ENT specialist promptly,” suggests the expert.

How to prevent hearing loss in children?

Approximately, 32 million children in the world suffer from hearing loss, and 60 percent of this can be prevented, according to the World Health Organization. Here are some steps you can take to protect your child’s ears:

1. Breastfeeding

You can adopt certain measures to protect your children from ear infections. “For instance, breastfeeding children for the first six months helps build their immunity and so, can protect them from ear infections,” says the expert.

breastfeeding to prevent hearing loss in child
Breastfeed your baby to prevent hearing loss in your child. Image courtesy: Adobe stock

2. Noise protection

Today, children are exposed to various devices that tend to impact their hearing ability. You can take measures like limiting exposure to loud sounds, such as concerts, fireworks, and power tools. You can also tell them to turn down the volume of music systems, and make them move away from the source of loud sounds whenever possible. Using devices for hearing protection when it is not possible to reduce volume to a safe level or avoid exposure to loud sounds can help, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

3. Immunisations

Immunising children against diseases can help to prevent hearing loss in children, as per the WHO. Infectious diseases like measles, mumps, and rubella can cause hearing loss in children. So, the MMR vaccine and meningitis and influenza vaccines are important, as they can protect against conditions like meningitis as well as respiratory infections.

3. Manage colds and allergies

Children often suffer from upper respiratory infections and allergies, which can lead to hearing complications. Infections, especially when ears get affected, can cause temporary or permanent hearing loss. So, prompt treatment and regular check-ups can help prevent these issues.

4. Prenatal care

Proper prenatal care is essential for the well-being of a child. So, it is important to steer clear of dangerous substances like cigarettes when pregnant, as the growing foetus may be impacted. If you are pregnant, avoid harmful substances and ensure regular prenatal visits to monitor baby’s hearing development and identify potential risks, such as toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, and infections, which can lead to hearing loss.

5. Promote healthy habits

Make sure your child maintains a healthy lifestyle, which includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, and good hydration. They can contribute to overall good health, and in turn, help in reducing the risk of hearing loss in children.

6. Watch out for signs of hearing loss

Be attentive to your child’s hearing development. If they show signs like delayed speech or language development, have difficulty following instructions, frequently ask you to repeat, and turn up the volume on the TV or other devices, they probably have an issue with hearing.

7. Limit screen time

If your child spends a lot of time watching something on TV or playing games on screen, encourage them to engage in outdoor activities. “Excessive screen time can contribute to hearing problems,” says Dr Bhatia.

8. Safe swimming

Swimming is a beneficial activity for the growth and development of children, and is also fun. However, to prevent ear infections, it is important to dry your child’s ears thoroughly after swimming.

Regular tests, and steps by parents can help in preventing hearing issues in children. If your child complains of any hearing issue then it is important to check with a doctor.

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