Yoga for kidney: 4 poses to avoid kidney problems

Yoga for kidney: 4 poses to avoid kidney problems

In times when pollution levels have reached a new high, people are eating unhealthy and have weakened immunity, and stress seems to have taken the front seat, it is important to take care of your health. In fact, living a sedentary lifestyle can even take a toll on your kidney health. Your kidneys play a vital role in filtering waste from your blood, balancing essential minerals in your body, and regulating your blood pressure levels. In short, it is an important organ that regulates all the functions in your body. Hence, it is vital to take care of your kidneys. You can start with yoga – the ancient holistic practice that helps ward off several conditions. Let’s find out how yoga for the kidney works.

Apart from eating a balanced diet, drinking enough water, and having healthy bowel movements and urine production, you can also try yoga for 10-20 minutes every day to keep your overall health in check. Yoga exercises can promote kidney health and help it stay balanced and healthy. Not only does yoga improve the health of your kidneys, but it also provides relief from fatigue and stress. Without further ado, let’s look at some of the best yoga poses to reduce the risk of developing kidney problems.

4 Yoga Asanas to maintain kidney health

Here’s what you can do to maintain the health of your kidneys and keep diseases at bay:

1. Kapalbhati Pranayama

The body generates a lot of heat which causes waste matter and toxins to dissolve easily. At the same time, it improves blood circulation, digestion, and metabolism and strengthens the functions of the kidney and liver.

How to do it?

1. Sit on a mat with your back straight and legs crossed.
2. Take a deep breath and exhale, pulling your navel back towards the spine. Relaxing your navel and abdomen allows the breath to flow into your lungs.
3. Take at least 20 breaths to complete one round of Kapalbhati Pranayam.
4. Relax your eyes and observe your senses after doing the pose.
5. Do as many rounds as you can.

yoga for kidney health
Do Kapalbhati Pranayam regularly to keep your kidney health in check! Image courtesy: Shutterstock

2. Dhanurasana

Dhanurasana targets your stomach, thighs, ankles, throat, and upper body. It improves blood circulation, as well as promotes digestion, liver, and kidney function. It can also help patients suffering from diabetes.

How to do it?

1. Lie down your stomach on a mat with your feet in line with your hips and arms.
2. Bring your knees closer to your back and hold your ankles with your hands.
3. Take a deep breath and lift your chest off the ground while keeping your gaze in front.
4. Hold the pose for 30-60 seconds and repeat the pose 10-15 times.
5. Return to the starting position if you feel a stretch or pain anywhere.

3. Paschimottanasana

Paschimottasana stimulates the function of liver, kidneys, ovaries, and uterus. It also helps treat constipation, promote digestion, and tone the stomach and pelvic organs. Practising it every day helps balance the menstrual cycle in women and even helps with conditions like depression, stress, and fatigue while keeping the brain calm.

How to do it?

1. Start in the Dandasana (staff pose), with your legs extended straight in front of your body.
2. Bring your arms towards your side and over your head, reaching towards the ceiling.
3. Keeping your legs straight, bend forwards at the hips bringing your upper body over your lower body.
4. Keeping your back straight, try to bring your stomach closer to your thighs.
5. Keep your arms straight and hold your toes or ankles, whichever you can reach.
6. Hold the pose for some time and return to the initial position.

yoga for kidneys
Do seated forward bend to ward off kidney problems. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

4. Chakrasana

Chakrasana expands your chest and increases the capacity of the lungs. It also stimulates the functions of your liver and kidneys, enhancing blood purification and blood circulation. It also strengthens your arm and leg muscles.

How to do it?

1. Lie on your back and bend your knees so that your feet are flat on the floor.
2. Place your hands on the floor just above the shoulders with your fingers facing your shoulders.
3. Now lift your upper body off the mat while pressing your hands into it.
4. Press into your feet and lift your abdomen, pelvis, and legs off the mat.
5. Make an arch with your body.
6. Breathe in this posture and then release the breath. Stay in the posture for some time and return to the initial position.

While these poses can help you keep your kidney health in check, it is important to talk to a doctor before making any changes i your regimen.

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